XIX Simpósio de Biologia Marinha

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    Develey, Laura D (1); Gonçalves, Leandra R (1)

    (1) Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto do Mar, Unifesp/IMar, Santos, São Paulo, Brasil

In the context of the prevailing environmental crisis, engaging with society and fostering social participation have emerged as key strategies to advance marine conservation efforts. One innovative approach with potential benefits for conservation is Payment for Environmental Services (PES), which entails involving local actors as providers or stewards of ecosystem services while potentially generating alternative income for the local community. While successful PES implementations in terrestrial environments have been extensively documented in the literature, PES mechanisms targeting marine ecosystems remain relatively unexplored. This research presents a systematic literature review aimed at investigating existing marine PES initiatives worldwide, focusing specifically on initiatives involving fishermen as beneficiaries. Among 42 obtained results, only 10 addressed the issue of PES with the participation of fishermen. The majority of these studies presented predictive PES models, exploring local stakeholders' preferences for various PES scenarios (n=4), assessing economic feasibility and cost-benefit analyses (n=3), and proposing PES as a management mechanism (n=1). Only a few projects in force were identified (n=2), indicating a notable gap between theoretical propositions and practical implementation. Regarding the involvement of stakeholders, the results indicate that fishermen predominantly assume supporting roles in most of the proposals, often benefiting from management assistance or functioning as co-managers in only one article. The limited number of works, primarily hypothetical, addressing PES as a potential tool for sustainable resource management underscores the need for comprehensive mapping of marine PES initiatives and the adoption of transdisciplinary approaches. By doing so, we can bridge the gap between theory and practice, fostering the development of effective mechanisms that promote marine conservation with active engagement of local actors. This research emphasizes the importance of broadening dialogue and encouraging social participation in marine conservation, facilitating the advancement of sustainable practices in the face of the ongoing environmental crisis.

    Autor que fará a apresentação: Develey, Laura D

    Email do autor que fará a apresentação: laura.develey@unifesp.br

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