Naineris Blainville, 1828 is a worldwide distributed genus of the family Orbiniidae Hartman, 1942 that currently includes 20 species from tropical to temperate waters. Species of Naineris are distinguished by having rounded or truncated prostomium, and a clear division of the body into thorax and abdomen. The three best-known species of Naineris are considered cosmopolitan in literature: N. setosa, N. dendritica, and N. laevigata; at least N. dendritica proved to be a species complex based on molecular data. For each species, we provide a synonym list, location of type material, type locality, geographic distribution, habitat, etymology, and availability of molecular data. Our molecular analysis includes 159 specimens of Naineris representing 25 species collected worldwide. Phylogeny (both ML and BI) based on the combined matrix of two mitochondrial (COI and 16S) and one nuclear (28S) marker results in four large and well-supported clades, each supported by morphological synapomorphies. Clade one included Naineris quadricuspida (type species) and shared the presence of thoracic neuropodial papilla at a middle position, presence of uncini with a ribbed shaft and rounded tip with a terminal notch, and by presenting multiple rows of uncini in thoracic neuropodia, Clade two combined species multiple dorsal organs and similar chaetae composition, Clade three included species with paired dorsal sensory organs and only crenulate capillaries in thoracic neuropodia, and Clade four was comprised of species with paired dorsal sensory organs and similar chaetae composition. Our results suggest polyphyly of the genus Naineris with Naineris sensu stricto, including N. quadricuspida and N. uncinata, and the rest of the species grouped in a separate clade which may represent a new genus.
Sistemática e Evolução - Comunicações orais
Phylogeny of Naineris Blainville, 1828 (Annelida, Sedentaria, Orbiniidae) and transfer of species to Protoaricia and Pettibonella
Forma de apresentação: Oral
Álvarez, Ricardo (1,2); Di Domenico, Maikon (1,2); Budaeva, Nataliya (3)
(1) Center for Marine Studies, Federal University of Paraná, Paraná, Brazil. (2) Graduate program in Oceanic Coastal Systems, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil (PGSISCO), Universidade Federal do Paraná, Paraná, Brazil. (3) Department of Natural History, University Musuem of Bergen, 5020 Bergen, Norway.
Autor que fará a apresentação: Álvarez, Ricardo
Email do autor que fará a apresentação:
Financiamento: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - (Doctorate fellowship, process number: 88882.382993/2019-01); CAPES-PRINT-UFPR (Ph.D. Exchange program, process number: 88887.696847/2022-00)
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