

Fossil loans

Prof. Dr. Marcello Guimarães Simões
Prof. Dr. Francisco S. C. Buchmann


A.C. Coto; Acervo SBFic; Alberto Lindner; Álvaro E. Migotto; Armando de Lucca Jr; Fernando Z. Gibran; G. Amado F.; Inácio D. S. Neto; J. Avanzo; J. Creed; Kevin Raskoff; M. Fuji; Otto M. P. Oliveira; Rosana M. Rocha; S. L. Sant’Anna; Shirley P. Souza; Steve Haddock; V. De Laquila


Employees and technicians from CEBIMar/USP, especially Elaine Gerbati Galhardo, Simone Martins da Cruz Galante, Virgínia Castilho, Joseilto Medeiros de Oliveira, and Joseph M. E. Van Sebroeck.

Exhibition home

São Sebastião – SP

Júlio Buzi
Town Secretary for Culture and Tourism 2008

Fernanda Tanaka de Carvalho
Town Secretary for Culture and Tourism 2008

Employees from Town Secretary for Culture and Tourism 2008

Secretariat for the Environment of the State of São Paulo 2009

Equipe da “Escolinha Tia Marisa” por sua participação nas filmagens do Diário Ecologia:
Profa. Elaine A. Moura
Profa. Renata L. R. Santos
Profa. Tamiris V. M. Andrade
Diretora Eliana Andrade
e a todos os pequenos, curiosos e participativos estudantes!

São Paulo – SP

School of Public Health – USP

Maria do Carmo Avamilano Alvarez
Librarian of the School of Public Health – USP

Alice Mari Miyazaki de Souza
Librarian of the School of Public Health – USP

Prof. Dr. Angela Maria Belloni Cuenca
Director of the School of Public Health Library – USP

Prof. Dr. Chester Luiz Galvão César
Director of the School of Public Health – USP

Oceanographic Institute – USP

Prof. Dr. Sueli Susana de Godoi
Oceanographic Institute
University of São Paulo

Eng. Maria de Lourdes Bastianello Júnior
Oceanographic Instrumentation Laboratory – IOUSP

Eng. Francisco Luiz Vicentini Neto
Oceanographic Instrumentation Laboratory – IOUSP

Prof. Dr. Elisabete de Santis Braga da Graça Saraiva
President of the Culture and Extension Commission from IOUSP

Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Setúbal Pires Vanin
Director of IOUSP

Fernando de Noronha – PE

Ana Maria Rojo Prado
Biologist, coordinator of the project Noronha Plankton: Knowing and Preserving the Plankton of Fernando de Noronha

Fabiana Bicudo
Chief of the National Marine Park
Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio)
Fernando de Noronha

Ubatuba – SP

Berenice M. Gomes Gallo
Regional Coordinator
TAMAR Project, Ubatuba

Bruno Amir
Biologist and manager of the Visitor Center
TAMAR Project, Ubatuba

Botucatu – SP

Prof. Dr. Marcello Guimarães Simões
UNESP Botucatu

Natal – RN

Ana Paula Macarini
Maria Cristina R. Sanches
And the CNPq Social Communication Advisement

Márcio Brandão
Arquitect of CNPq

Carlos Alberto Aragão de Carvalho Filho
President of CNPq